Homage to Bach, 1949. Rufino Tamayo
(Mexican, 1899/1900-1991). Oil on canvas: 28" x 42". Gift of Mr. Gilbert M. Denman, Jr.

Mexican Mural

Alternate Currents

Representation of
“The Indian”

Documentary Photography

Universal Constructivism


ther Mexican artists believed that art should strive to express universal truths and should not be used as a tool to further political or social agendas. Rufino Tamayo and Guatemalan-born Carlos Mérida, among others, drew inspiration from their private imaginations as well as from the indigenous myths and symbols embodied in Latin American folk art. Whereas the muralists gave Indian themes social reformist interpretations, Mérida and Tamayo sought to express indigenous meaning by using modern international idioms. The artist Frida Kahlo aligned herself with the muralists in political ideology, yet painted her own private world using forms and motifs borrowed from Mexican folk art traditions.